
Rules and Regulations Level 1
Chemistry Labs
Chemistry Scanned Assignments
Chemistry Periods 1 and 2
Chemistry Periods 3 and 4
Chemistry Periods 5 and 6
Chemistry Periods 7 and 8

First Day Information Packets

Rules and Regulations


The following is a brief list of rules and regulations that you, the student are expect to follow as a member of my classroom.  If you choose to break these rules, you will be required to face the repercussions of such actions.  Remember, I do not punish you for what you have done.  Rather, any form of punitive action is a reaction to your behavior.


The Basics

1.)        First and foremost, this is a classroom with a wide diversity of students.  You are expected to be mindful of diversity in your actions and your language.  Have respect for others’ differences, even if you, yourself, do not believe the same.

2.)        There is no eating or drinking in my classroom.  You may drink water.  Other beverages are not allowed.  If you enter the room with something other than water, I will either require you to throw it out or place it on my desk.

3.)        In accordance with the school rules, there are no headphones, cell phones, beepers, other portable electronic devices allowed.  If I see such items, I will be required to confiscate said items.

4.)        In accordance with the school rules, there will be no card playing allowed.  This includes any variation on the theme of cards, include MAGIC.

5.)        If you wish to speak, raise your hand, unless otherwise instructed.  If someone else is speaking, do not interrupt them.  Let them finish their comment before you begin.

6.)        If I am speaking, you are not.  This is self explanatory.  Do not make me ask for your attention more than once.  First warning is no offense.  Second warning is a detention.  Third warning is removal from the classroom with a referral.

7.)        If something does not belong to you, do not touch it.  That means, HANDS OFF.

8.)        There will be no throwing of objects, including paper.

9.)        You are to be in your seat when the bell rings.  If you are not in your seat, you will be marked tardy.  Before getting into your seat, you should gather your book and notebook from the file cabinets in the back of the room.  Failure to do so will result in loss of credit for the day.


The Specifics:

1) The majority of homework assigned in class will be checked on a date assigned and written on the board.  On the day the assignment is due, the student will receive credit for completion of the assignment.  Students may turn in checked assignments late for a 25% deduction per day (even if the class does not meet, excluding weekends). Sporadically, a homework assignment will be collected as a quiz grade.  The work will be graded not only for completion, but for accuracy.  If the student does not have the assignment at the time it is collected (whether it be left in a locker or a book at home), the student will receive a zero for that quiz grade (no exceptions).  If a student is absent the day homework is collected for a quiz grade, the student is excused from the quiz grade, but must turn in the assignment as a homework check.

2) If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up missed work.  Notes and handouts given in class will be published on the web at or can be found at the book’s website.  Therefore, you are expected to retrieve work and assignments when absent (regardless of whether the class meets the following day or not). Make-up for tests or quizzes missed during absences from school must be scheduled within three days of returning to school.

3) You are expected to take care of personal business during passing times and lunch.  Do not ask to go to the lavatory or nurse unless it is an emergency.  There will be no passes to the phone.  No grooming during class time.

4) Do not do any other assignments in my classroom.  This includes, but not limited to, doing other class homework and writing or passing notes.  Such violation will merit an automatic detention.  Materials will be taken and not returned.




1.)      Three tardies equals one absence

2.)      You are tardy if you enter the room after the bell rings without a pass. 

3.)      The rules of Tardy

a.        First tardy- warning

b.        Second tardy- 30 detention to be served the following day (one reschedule is allowed)

c.        Third tardy- 30 minute detention to be served the following day and 1 absence from class.

d.        For each additional tardy past three, you will serve an additional five minutes.

e.        Tardies are cumulative for the year and will not reset at the beginning of each quarter

4.)      Skipping a teacher detention will result in office referral (no exceptions).



I.                     Chemistry Level 1

a.        Your grade will be composed of three basic components: Participation, Classwork, and Laboratory.

                                                               i.      Participation means coming to class prepared, gathering materials, and being in your seat ready to work when the bell rings.

                                                              ii.      Classwork.  Classwork includes three basic components- homework, quizzes and tests.

                                                            iii.      Laboratory- At the close of the year, a laboratory notebook must be turned in.  This will count as part of the final exam.  A complete, accurate laboratory notebook is worth 10% of the final exam.  .  In addition, throughout the quarter, individual labs will be conducted and collected.


Note:  These rules and regulations are only a brief list of what is expected.  New rules will be added as necessary.  Common sense and logic should answer most questions as to proper and improper behavior.  On the first offence of breaking any rule, a warning will be issued.  On the second offence, a teacher detention will be issued.  On the third offence, the student will be removed from the classroom and given a referral.


By signing these rules, you agree to follow the rules and face the consequences of breaking said rules.


Student Name (Printed): _________________________________


Parent Name _____________________________                                Student Name _____________________________


Rules and Regulations:


I have read and understand the rules and regulations established for classroom conduct.  I understand my student’s responsibility to follow the rules and regulations established.  I have also viewed the forms and notices that may be sent home as part of my student’s educational plan and by placing a check below after each form or notice title assent and agree to the documents.


Rules and Regulations             _____                      Notice of Suspicious Work Completion _____

 “D” or “F” Notification Notice ______                                Unsavory Behavior Notice _____


Parent Signature __________________________________  Date ______________


I have read and understand the rules and regulations established for classroom conduct.  I understand my responsibility as a student to follow the rules and regulations established. .  I have also viewed the forms and notices that may be sent home as part of my educational plan and by placing a check below after each form or notice title assent and agree to the documents.


Rules and Regulations             _____                      Notice of Suspicious Work Completion _____

 “D” or “F” Notification Notice ______                                Unsavory Behavior Notice _____


Student Signature __________________________________ Date _______________



Web Site Notification:


I have read and understand the web site notification.  I am aware that access to the internet is available to my student at the high school, regardless of whether or not it is available at home.  I understand my student’s responsibility to attain missing assignments and notes from the web.


Parent Signature __________________________________  Date ______________


I have read and understand the website notification.  I am aware that access to the internet is available to me at the high school, regardless of whether or not it is available at home.  I understand my responsibility to attain missing assignments and notes from the web


Student Signature __________________________________ Date _______________